Greensborough Patriot

October 16, 1862

Page 1


            DEATH OF GEN. A. J. STAFFORD—Gen. Stafford, of Winston, died of paralysis, at Harrisonburg, Va., on Friday last, (while absent from home on a visit to our army on the Potomac, where he had a son in the service) aged 47 years, 1 month and 8 days, leaving a wife and 8 children.  The remains of Gen. Stafford reached home on Monday morning last, and in the afternoon his funeral sermon was preached in the Moravian Church in this place, by Bishop Bahnson, and his body interred in the Cemetery.  The subject of this notice was well known to the public, he having served as County Court Clerk acceptably for 12 years, and in the private walks of life and the social circle he was highly respected and esteemed.  His sudden and lamented death is supposed to have been brought on by great exposure by efforts to be of service to the Sick and wounded of his countrymen in the valley of Virginia.

            --Salem Press-- 


[Transcribed by Sharon Strout]